Sunday, September 16, 2007
850 KOA Podcasts
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On the show…First, a Douglas Diaries, and then O.J. Simpson is back in the news; he just can’t stay quiet can he? Preliminarily, it sounds like the police may have a tough time convincing victims to cooperate. Could this mean he gets let go? I will explain the exceptions to the “no victim no crime” rule. Plus, a discussion about karma: As much as it goes against my rational thought process, I can’t help but believe.
Then, presidential candidate Fred Thompson was diagnosed with non-Hodgkins lymphoma back in 2004. It’s a rarely curable, highly recurring disease which, according to Thompson’s doctors, is in remission now. I wanted to talk philosophically about having someone ill in the oval office, how the symbolism of the presidency would make that difficult, and how even the best vice presidential candidate wouldn’t help.
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