November 28, 2005
Listen this week for Steve as the guest host on the John Calera Show on 850 KOA.
Monday- November 28, 2005 10pm-1am Mountain Time / 9pm to midnight Pacific
Tuesday- November 29, 2005 10pm-1am Mountain Time / 9pm to midnight Pacific
Wednesday- November 30, 2005 10pm-1am Mountain Time / 9pm to midnight Pacific
Coming up on the show tonight...
Suprise. The Denver Post has featured an editorial which is less than complimentary towards law enforcement. David Harsanyi's piece, "Court trip next stop for bus rider" is a cherry picked story made to villify the cops and make a heroine out of a stubborn old selfish woman. Details tonight.
Plus, Kumbe Ginnane From Regret To Rape will join us in the third hour to talk about the devistating toll a rape accusation had on his life.
**Amended note: Kumbe Ginnane did not show up for his interview. As a result, I have removed the link to his book and website.