Sunday, December 16, 2007
850 KOA Podcasts
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On the show…
A Douglas Diaries begins the show. Then, I have a follow-up to my Chuck Norris-Isms segment from two weeks ago. It’s a possibility that “the Norris factor” may be responsible for presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee’s late surge in the polls.
Watch the Chuck Norris endorsement of Mike Huckabee
Maybe Chuck Norris is the next Oprah (except with fists)?!
Then, another presidential hopeful, Mitt Romney, says he isn’t a flip-flopper. He defended his positions on NBC’s “Meet The Press.” I did some research on Romney and found him to be like a fish out of water.
In the second hour, a 60 Minutes piece has me angered at the hypocrisy displayed by the Pentagon and military regarding the treatment of gays in the military. It’s “Don’t ask, don’t tell,” unless its wartime, in which case most everyone is willing to look the other way.
I’ll talk about the priorities of humans in general and especially those of soldiers in battle. Have you ever heard the saying, “Nobody is an Atheist in a bunker”? Well, as one caller put it, “Nobody is anything in a bunker.” Great calls punctuate this hour as well. I’ll also debunk some of the arguments against allowing gays to serve openly.
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Labels: chuck norris, don't ask dont' tell, gays in the military, mike huckabee, mitt romney