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Sunday, March 16, 2008

Sunday, March 16, 2008

The final Steve Douglas Show is tonight! Be sure to tune in!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Sunday, March 9, 2008

-Hour 1

-Hour 2

Brian Shelledy's website

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Sunday, March 09, 2008

Sunday, March 2, 2008


850 KOA Podcasts

Other Podcasts


Steve's 850 KOA webpage

KMGH Channel 7 Story on Steve

Email stevedouglas@clearchannel.com

On the show...

A Douglas Diaries begins the show. Then, I'll pick on the media for a bit as they continue to "dumb it down for America." I'll award the dumbest news story ever on record.

-Hour 1

In the second hour, Barack Obama is having to deal with a photograph that was released of him wearing a turban. I'll talk about the political realities of having a man who has Muslim ties wearing such a garment. I'll also give you examples of his double-speak and show you why questioning his past shouldn't be criticized as being racist.

-Hour 2

To listen to more, click the podcast link next to the badge.

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Thursday, February 28, 2008

Sunday, February 24, 2008

A Douglas Diaries begins the events. Then, the homeless in Denver will soon be put up in apartments for the long-term. I'll talk about why I'm opposed to these types of incentives, and what I believe this will do to the homeless population here in Denver. Hear some heated exchanges between me and the callers.

-Hour 1

-Hour 2

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Sunday, February 24, 2008

Sunday, February 17, 2008


850 KOA Podcasts

Other Podcasts


Steve's 850 KOA webpage

KMGH Channel 7 Story on Steve

Email stevedouglas@clearchannel.com

Tonight on the show...

A Douglas Diaries starts the show. Then, it looks as if HD DVD players are finally dead after a decision by Wal Mart. What's the big deal with Blu-ray movies? I'll get an education tonight.

-Hour 1

In the second hour, a special guest will take us inside America's prison system. Don't miss this one-of-a-kind perspective.

-Hour 2

To listen to more, click the podcast link under my picture.

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Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sunday, February 10, 2008


850 KOA Podcasts

Other Podcasts


Steve's 850 KOA webpage

KMGH Channel 7 Story on Steve

Email stevedouglas@clearchannel.com

On the show...

A Douglas Diaries begins the show. Then, how about a new law for the paparazzi called the Britney law? It might be coming to a celebrity near you. I'll talk about what laws I would be in favor of to protect celebrities from the media, and I can tell you there aren't many.

-Hour 1

In the second hour, Spain has done it, England is trying to do it and maybe here in the U.S. too: Implied consent with regard to organ donation. I'm in favor of it. Then, for those of us not planning on dying, how about attending your own mock funeral? It's the new fad in South Korea.

-Hour 2

To listen to more, click the podcast link under my picture.

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Sunday, February 03, 2008

Sunday, February 3, 2008


850 KOA Podcasts

Other Podcasts


Steve's 850 KOA webpage

KMGH Channel 7 Story on Steve

Email stevedouglas@clearchannel.com

Tonight on the show...

A Douglas Diaries begins the program.

Then, a member of my family was killed in her own backyard by a coyote this week. Keep in mind, I live in the city and county of Denver. I don't live next to a state park or wildlife area either. We'll talk to Jack Murphy, Executive Director of the Urban Wildlife Rescue. I think you'll be suprised how often this happens. Find out what you can do to protect your pets.

-Hour 1

In the second hour, are pets a part of the family or just regarded as property in the eyes of the law? I'll talk about my proposed remedies to the coyote problem, and get your input as well.

-Hour 2

To listen to more, click the podcast link next to the badge.

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Sunday, January 27, 2008


850 KOA Podcasts

Other Podcasts


Steve's 850 KOA webpage

Email stevedouglas@clearchannel.com

On the show...

A Douglas Diaries starts the show. Then, an environmental pat on the back for all of us-- even those of us who aren't one of the crazy enviros.

Plus, Tim Masters freed after 10 years in prison. Wait till you hear the ridiculous media coverage of this thing! Is he innocent or just not guilty? What's the difference? I'll explain. I'll also talk about what, in my opinion, is owed to him and who should pay it.

-Hour 1

In the second hour, the discussion about Tim Masters continues. Plus, Ill talk about the distinction between circumstantial and direct evidence, including why a "circumstantial case" isn't as bad as people make it sound.

-Hour 2

To listen to more, click on the podcast link under my picture.

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Monday, January 21, 2008

Sunday, January 20, 2008


850 KOA Podcasts

Other Podcasts


Steve's 850 KOA webpage

Email stevedouglas@clearchannel.com

On the show…

A Douglas Diaries begins the show. Then, a federal judge in Detroit is set to rule on a case brought by the American Civil Liberties Union regarding drivers being ticketed in support of anti-war protesters. The ACLU contends horn honking falls under the first amendment right to free speech. I contend it doesn’t as horns are loud, obnoxious, can deteriorate from the peace and serenity of an area, and likely are a traffic hazard. I am willing to bet the ACLU wouldn’t have brought the case if people were honking in support of the war.

- Hour 1

In the second hour, President Bush has announced a plan to stimulate the economy by giving families a tax rebate. This was done in 2001 and 2003 and was successful. Democrats, however, believe that the package is just another example of the President giving money back to the rich, and argue it’s not fair, wanting instead to give the money “the people who need it.” Making everything fair is a concept of socialism, and as far as life being fair, it isn’t, so get over it. Giving poor people money that they didn’t pay in the first place isn’t a rebate, it’s a handout, and subsequently won’t stimulate the economy. We have already learned giving handouts doesn’t stimulate anything. Keep in mind, everyone, including the poor, will benefit from a healthier economy as there will be lower interest rates, and more jobs which will translate to more money in their poor little pockets.

All this notwithstanding, there is a benefit to the poor already being discussed in the rebate plan, and that is to temporarily reduce the lowest tax bracket for the lowest earners from ten percent to zero.

- Hour 2

To listen to more, click on the podcast link next to the badge.

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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Sunday, January 13, 2008


850 KOA Podcasts

Other Podcasts


Steve's 850 KOA webpage

Email stevedouglas@clearchannel.com

On the show…

A Douglas Diaries starts things out. Then, a little rant about parking enforcement, tickets, and why it should not be against the law, at least as it is in Pennsylvania, to write nasty messages in the memo line of your check when paying those tickets.

How about Golf Channel anchor Kelly Tilghman’s comment regarding Tiger Woods? I didn’t think it was racist and don’t think she should have been suspended. We’ll talk about the word “lynch.” Also, hear from the dreaded Reverend Al Sharpton who isn’t helping race-relations in this country, but hindering them, and only to maintain his power and influence.

- Hour 1

Also along the lines of race, is the comment recently made by Hillary Clinton that it takes presidents like Lyndon Johnson to get it done (referring to the advancement of civil rights). The comment was attacked by the Obama camp, and it appears through a recent memo circulating through the campaign offices, they are all set to try to mimic Al Sharpton. This may be the first and last time I defend Hillary Clinton.

- Hour 2

To listen to more, click the podcast link next to the badge.

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Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Sunday, January 6, 2008


850 KOA Podcasts

Other Podcasts


Steve's 850 KOA webpage

Email stevedouglas@clearchannel.com

On the show…

A Douglas Diaries begins the show followed by my thoughts about New Year’s resolutions, how to keep organized, and my thoughts on new research showing that a clean and uncluttered house can result in a better bill of health. I disagree for the record.

Hour 1-

In the second hour, Colorado is one of 14 states who have rejected federal funds for abstinence only sex education. Good for them. I’ll talk about sex-ed, and the politics of fear surrounding the typical birds-and-the-bees discussions.

Then, Obama and his politics of hope and change are changing the poll numbers in New Hampshire where he now shows a considerable lead over Hillary Clinton. I would like to know what we’re all “hoping” for and what specific “change” is on the horizon? Are you hopeful we will all just get along? I’m not, but then again, I’m realistic.

- Hour 2

To listen to more, click on the podcast link next to the badge!

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Monday, December 31, 2007

Sunday, December 30, 2007


850 KOA Podcasts

Other Podcasts


Steve's 850 KOA webpage

Email stevedouglas@clearchannel.com

On the show…

It’s the Steve Douglas Show year in review.

I’ve got the top movies, music, and even the most literate cities of 2007. Plus, the biggest and stupidest mouths of the year make their reappearance, and clips from the best and the worst of the Steve Douglas Show.

Then, here are many of the audio skits and clips we’ll play for you:

-Jack and Jill- The bad movie trailer
-The 13 Pound Baby
-Most Angry Caller (at me)
-Most Maddening Caller
-Thank You For Complaining
-Best Caller Rant
-Caller With The Best Vocabulary
-Alec Baldwin Spoof
-PETA’s Answering Machine
-Toilet Rant
-Miss Teen USA / South Carolina
-Best Commercial of the Year

Plus more!!!

-Hour 1

-Hour 2

To listen to more, click the podcast link next to the badge.


Monday, December 24, 2007

Sunday, December 23, 2007


850 KOA Podcasts

Other Podcasts


Steve's 850 KOA webpage

Email stevedouglas@clearchannel.com

On the show…

Merry Christmas! A Douglas Diaries begins the show. Then, I’ll do my deconstruction of a ridiculous Susan Greene column in “The Sunday Denver Post.” Greene is upset because there are smells she deems unpleasant in the city of Denver. “It smells like a brown Christmas,” she proclaims. Well, I think it smells like another annoying Denver Post Columnist.

-Hour 1

In the second hour, the controversy over allowing high school girls to compete in wrestling against the guys is front page news in Denver this day. I’ll talk about the surrounding issues including the possibility of inappropriate touching, the humiliation of losing to a girl, and how boys are taught to deal with girls. I think when I’m done you’ll be convinced in states where there aren’t enough girls to support separate teams, we should allow them the opportunity to compete.

Finally, some “junk” foods that won’t pack on the pounds around the holiday season. Read the article here!

- Hour 2

To listen to more, click the podcast link next to the badge.

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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Stop Looking At My Butt

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Monday, December 17, 2007

Sunday, December 16, 2007


850 KOA Podcasts

Other Podcasts


Steve's 850 KOA webpage

Email stevedouglas@clearchannel.com

On the show…

A Douglas Diaries begins the show. Then, I have a follow-up to my Chuck Norris-Isms segment from two weeks ago. It’s a possibility that “the Norris factor” may be responsible for presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee’s late surge in the polls.

Watch the Chuck Norris endorsement of Mike Huckabee

Maybe Chuck Norris is the next Oprah (except with fists)?!

Then, another presidential hopeful, Mitt Romney, says he isn’t a flip-flopper. He defended his positions on NBC’s “Meet The Press.” I did some research on Romney and found him to be like a fish out of water.

- Hour 1

In the second hour, a 60 Minutes piece has me angered at the hypocrisy displayed by the Pentagon and military regarding the treatment of gays in the military. It’s “Don’t ask, don’t tell,” unless its wartime, in which case most everyone is willing to look the other way.

I’ll talk about the priorities of humans in general and especially those of soldiers in battle. Have you ever heard the saying, “Nobody is an Atheist in a bunker”? Well, as one caller put it, “Nobody is anything in a bunker.” Great calls punctuate this hour as well. I’ll also debunk some of the arguments against allowing gays to serve openly.

-Hour 2

To listen to more shows, click the podcast link next to the badge!

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